Lex McKee – Mind Mapper Extraordinaire

I had the privilege of asking Lex McKee about his extensive experience with Mind Maps and Mental Literacy:

Aug 11, 2023

Lorraine Gill – The Artist Who Inspired Images in Mind Maps

Before meeting Lorraine, Tony Buzan believed he was not creative. She taught him about images and changed Mind Maps forever.

Aug 05, 2023

Lessons on Powerful Presenting

Why do presentations occasionally fall flat even for the best of us? I recollect memorable, triumphant and traumatic moments from decades of speaking.

Aug 04, 2023

Memories of My Mind Mapping Meanderings

In this post I look back on some of the experiences and people who led me into the fabulous career of helping people achieve their goals through Mental Literacy and Mind Mapping.

Jul 28, 2023